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Staci Swiderski, CEO and Founder of Family Source Consultants, shares her excitement about the partnership with Worth the Wait Charity as she is deeply moved by their mission of easing the financial burden for young adult cancer survivors pursuing parenthood, given her own personal connection to the cause.

After undergoing a partial hysterectomy in 1998 due to suspected uterine cancer, Swiderski and her husband turned to surrogacy to build their family. Inspired by their experience, Swiderski established Family Source Consultants to assist other intended parents begin their journey to parenthood via surrogacy.

Worth the Wait was founded in June 2021 by Mike and Megan Scherer. Just three years into their marriage, Mike was diagnosed with testicular cancer. After surgery in 2011 and chemo in 2012, he was declared cancer free. Their road to parenthood included the challenge of infertility, but they became parents in 2017. Their son’s arrival proved WORTH THE WAIT!

Hosted by Joy Rejholec, Chief Administrative Officer, Family Source Consultants

Staci Swiderski, CEO and owner of Family Source Consultants has been involved in the field of reproductive medicine since 2002. Staci has vigorously grown the comprehensive egg donation and gestational surrogacy agency to become a worldwide leader in the third-party reproduction field. Staci is a former intended parent herself. She and her husband welcomed their son via gestational surrogacy in 2005. Additionally, Staci had the experience of assisting an infertile couple (AKA Recipient Parents) build their family through her efforts as an egg donor, with her donation resulting in the births of their son and daughter.

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