The Egg Donation Cycle
Family Source will review all of the information with you to be certain you understand the cycle and medication instructions, as it is vital that all directions are followed precisely.
Several different medications are used during the egg donation process. The specific medications used, the dose of those medications, the times at which they are administered and the duration of the cycle may vary from donor to donor and are based upon the donor’s individual needs.

Medications Which May be Used
Oral Contraceptive, aka. the Birth Control Pill
This is given to stabilize the hormones in the body. It keeps the donor in a “holding pattern” that allows her begin suppression when her cycle is synchronized with the recipient’s cycle.
Lupron (leuprolide acetate)
Lupron is given as a subcutaneous injection. This medication stops you from producing LH and FSH, which helps the other medications to provide an even and balanced hormone level throughout your cycle.
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
FSH is taken by subcutaneous injection. The FSH stimulates the follicles which contain the developing eggs, prompting them to mature.
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)
HCG is taken as an intramuscular injection. This medication signals the eggs to mature fully and prepares them for retrieval.
Oral Antibiotics (post retrieval)
Oral antibiotics are taken after the retrieval to reduce any risk of infection from the procedure.