Becoming a TeamFSC Egg Donor
Family Source would be honored to be your guide as you become an Egg Donor for a deserving couple or individual. You are doing something of tremendous magnitude—creating a life that could not have otherwise been created—for those who are unable to conceive without your help.
It is an amazingly selfless deed to be an Egg Donor. Thanks to compassionate young women who have stepped forward to assist those who cannot achieve pregnancy otherwise, the dreams of countless parents around the world have been fulfilled.
Our very own Family Source team includes staff members who have had the amazing and fulfilling experience of being an egg donor, both closed and open, as well as being a recipient of donor eggs. Our personal and professional experiences enable us to be acutely aware of all that is involved in this process, both medically and emotionally.
We are incredibly grateful that the process of egg donation is a possibility today, and we thank you for your generous spirit in offering this incredible gift!
Egg Donor Compensation
Eligible candidates will receive at least $10,000 per egg donation cycle.
This amount will vary, based on prior experience, location, and ethnicity.
100% Chinese, Taiwanese, and Indian Donors receive a minimum of $12,000 as a first-time Donor.
Egg Donation Requirements
Family Source requires that potential Egg Donors meet the below criteria to be considered for our Egg Donor Program.
Egg Donation Step-by-Step
Frequently Asked Questions
If you currently have a non-hormonal IUD, like Paragard, you do not need to have it removed in order to become an egg donor.
If you currently have a hormonal IUD, like Mirena, it will need to be removed before proceeding with the egg donation process.
There is no biological reason that donating eggs would cause infertility. Women are born with about 2 million eggs. Each month, a group of eggs begins to mature, but only one egg is released during ovulation. The rest are absorbed by the body. Fertility medications hasten the maturity rate of these excess eggs so that they can be retrieved, instead of being reabsorbed by the body.
Once chosen as an egg donor, a cycle takes approximately four weeks. During a two-week period, you’ll visit the clinic approximately seven times for ultrasound monitoring and blood tests. These morning appointments generally take less than 30 minutes each. An egg retrieval procedure typically takes about 20 to 30 minutes. It is performed under sedation so you will be comfortable and asleep during the procedure. After the retrieval, you will spend some time in recovery before being discharged, usually within a couple of hours.
Donor eggs are used by diverse individuals and couples needing assistance conceiving. Some common situations where donor eggs are required include:
- Older Women with Age-Related Fertility Decline: As women age, their fertility naturally decreases, making it more challenging to conceive using their eggs.
- Younger Women with Early Ovarian Failure or Insufficiency: Some women experience premature ovarian failure or insufficiency, which affects their ability to produce viable eggs.
- Same-Sex Male Couples or Single Males: Donor eggs are essential for same-sex male couples or single men who wish to have biological children.
- Certain Rare Genetic Conditions: Sometimes, donor eggs are necessary to avoid passing rare genetic conditions to offspring.
These individuals and couples turn to egg donation to fulfill their dreams of building a family.
FSC does not withhold taxes or issue 1099 forms for compensation received as a Surrogate or Egg Donor.
Family Source Consultants recommends that Surrogates and Egg Donors consult with their accountants regarding any tax-related questions.
Whether you are an Egg Donor or Recipient Parents, we know that determining the type of egg donation with which you are comfortable is an important and personal decision. Our staff has first-hand knowledge of the pros and cons surrounding the different types of egg donation relationships, and we are happy to discuss our own personal experiences with you.
Closed Donation – The Recipient Parent/s will typically choose an Egg Donor who has similar physical and personal characteristics or perhaps particular traits that are appealing for various reasons. The Donor’s identity will be kept confidential; any information identifying her will not be given to the Recipient/s. The Recipient/s will, however, be able to view all pertinent information including medical and genetic history, physical description, photographs of the potential Donor, and photographs of her child/ren if she’s willing to share them. In an anonymous donation, the Recipient(s) will have important information about you, but you will never meet or know each other’s names. Many Recipient Parents and Egg Donors choose the anonymous route because they are most comfortable with this type of arrangement for many valid reasons.
Semi-Open Donation – This is an alternative that offers somewhat of a middle-ground solution in choosing anonymous vs. open egg donation. Oftentimes, Recipient Parents do not feel comfortable with anonymous donation because they would prefer to have the option of contacting the woman who shared her genetics with their child/ren. Additionally, many Recipient Parents would not feel comfortable with a totally open donation. With a semi-open relationship, the Recipient Parent/s have been given the Donor’s profile information, but do not necessarily know her last name, address and other detailed information. Similarly, the Egg Donor will be given basic information about the Recipient Parents, but will not necessarily know more specific information as she would in an open donation situation. The Recipient/s and the Egg Donor may decide to chat via telephone or e-mail, for example, but there will not necessarily be a commitment to stay in touch after the egg donation has occurred. The benefit to semi-known vs. anonymous, however, is that enough general information is exchanged so that the Recipient Parent/s know their Egg Donor (and vice versa) on a basic level, and can contact her if they have any questions and such. With a semi-open donation, the Egg Donor will most likely be informed about the results of the egg retrieval and whether or not a pregnancy occurs.
Open Donation – In an open donation arrangement, all parties have agreed to completely disclose information about each other, including last names, addresses, occupations, etc. The Recipient Parents and the Egg Donor, in this case, will sometimes decide to meet in person before the egg retrieval takes place, and if not possible due to logistics (location or scheduling conflicts) there will at least be conversations via email and/or telephone. In this type of arrangement, everyone is mutually interested in maintaining contact—potentially throughout the life of the child/ren born via the donation. An open donation may also occur because the Recipient Parents have a friend, a sister, or another relative who has offered to help them. Regardless of whether the Egg Donor is known previously, or whether she is someone the Recipient Parents have been matched with via Family Source, it is most important that all parties have discussed their long-term expectations of the relationship. For example, the Donor and Recipient Parent/s should discuss who they plan to tell and when. Additionally, and even more importantly, everyone must be on the same page in regards to what the Donor’s future relationship will be with the child/ren. There are certainly many issues to consider when going the open donation route, but open (or open/known) egg donation can be a wonderfully positive experience for the Recipient Parent/s, the Egg Donor, and any future children that may result.
If you are matched with a Surrogate or Egg Donor and she decides not to proceed before the egg retrieval or transfer has taken place—an unlikely scenario given our rigorous pre-screening process—or if she is found to be disqualified during medical or psychological screening, we will promptly match you with another qualified Surrogate or Egg Donor.
Our pre-screening process is designed to identify and address potential issues early, ensuring that the candidates we present are well-suited for the journey ahead. However, should any unforeseen circumstances arise, we prioritize providing seamless support and promptly finding an alternative match. This ensures that your family-building process continues with minimal disruption and that you receive the best care and attention throughout your journey.
We at Family Source are not medical professionals; however, we are familiar with most of the typically used medications for IVF protocols. In addition to reading through the general protocol in our sections on this website addressing the Surrogate process and the Egg Donor process please review this list of the most commonly used medications for IVF protocols.
It is important to note, women respond differently to these medications: In most cases, very few side effects, if any, are experienced, but it is possible that more adverse reactions may occur among some patients. Some potential side effects are: mild bruising and/or soreness from shots, headaches, mood swings, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, functional cysts (approx. 15% of IVF patients will develop), and in extreme cases, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, a condition which, fortunately, is pretty rare. It is most important to work with a reputable infertility clinic that 1) has a good track record of avoiding ovarian hyperstimulation among its patients and 2) has the expertise needed to treat the syndrome if it should occur. Your reproductive endocrinologist will answer any additional questions you have in regards medications and their possible side effects.
The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) has established guidelines regarding the maximum number of egg donation cycles an egg donor can undergo in their lifetime. According to their recommendations, egg donors should participate in no more than six egg donation cycles throughout their lifetime.
Women typically become Egg Donors due to a genuine desire to help infertile couples or individuals conceive. Many are inspired by empathy for friends, co-workers, or relatives who have faced infertility or pregnancy loss. Motivated by a strong sense of compassion, others are driven to assist once they learn about egg donation.
Prospective Egg Donors should be healthy, responsible, committed, and familiar with their family’s health history. While physical appearance can influence selection, Recipient Parents often prioritize personality traits, hobbies, interests, and intellect. Compensation is an added incentive, but Family Source believes it should not be the primary motivator.
In summary, egg donation offers personal gratification and financial compensation for women who do not view their eggs as offspring, are healthy with attractive mental or physical traits, are willing to follow an intense medication protocol, and have support from a spouse, partner, friend, or family member.
TeamFSC Spotlight Egg Donors
Egg Donor Testimonial: #1230
Meet Egg Donor 1230! What led you to become an Egg Donor? A friend of mine had donated eggs and told me how [...]
Egg Donor Testimonial: #1002
Meet Egg Donor 1002! What led you to become an Egg Donor? I had a friend who had done it before, I’d never [...]